Friday, February 1, 2013

Bossy pants blues

One child about sibling:

"She is fighting me with her words. She is so bossy-pants."

"Are you fighting back with your words or are you listening to her?"

"I'm trying not to, but I want to fight back."

"Go try listening to her."

Another child about same sibling:

"She is telling me that I have to do it her way and just bossing me around with her words."

"Did you talk sweetly?"

"I'm really trying but she just keeps going. I even told her that I love her even if she is bossy and she is still my sister because I was trying to stop the problem but she STILL won't listen!"

"Have you tried asking her what she wants or taking your voice down two levels?"


"Go try and tell me how she responds to your question, not your fighting- back words."

Two minutes later.....

"Mom, it's A OK"

If left to my own self with out the help of the Holy Spirit, I am bossy, a bad listener and a fighter with my words, too. When I tell my kids that they are "going their own way without their Shepherd," I am reminding myself this truth as well!  Help me to go Your way, Lord and rely on You alone!

It seems possible that listening and asking questions may just help beat the bossy-pants blues and stop a fight dead in its tracks.