Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wisdom Wednesday

I've been reading in Psalm 119 for awhile. There is so much that I can't help but re-read what I read the day before. What keeps popping up in my heart is how often I see the word "obey." It's usually followed by learning about and keeping God's commandments. I continue to ask God for wisdom in helping Ella Grace and Miriam obey right away. So, I have been reading stories and talking about how when we obey God (or dad or mom) we do it "the right way or God's way." I told her how God's Word is our delight as it says in Psalm 119:174 and how Daddy and I pray that it will be hers too. We also read about Cain and Abel and how Abel obeyed God and brought the offering of a sheep, but his brother Cain was selfish and did not do what God wanted. She recognized the difference immediately and several times yesterday she referred to herself as "the good brother who obeyed God... the one who gave God the sheep" when she did what was asked. I reminded her that God was the one who was helping her to do it (cleaning up her toys and finishing her meal) so we needed to praise Him for His answer to our prayer. And when she wanted to throw a fit yesterday, I told her she had to stop right then and her response was "I will try." So we prayed asked God to help her follow through and stop right away (this is very hard for her) yet, she was able to. God is helping ME to have words of peace and love rather than impatience. We are working on it together with God's help. I am encouraged!
Great peace have they who love Your law, and nothing can make them stumble. ( Psalm 119:165)
I want to make it my goal to please Him! 2 Corinthians 5:9 and to do this, it is Christ’s love that compels me. 2 Corinthians 5:14

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Is God's Word my delight? Good, convicting thoughts. Thanks for teaching us what God is teaching you!
