Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Prayer Warrior????

I want to always remind Ella Grace of her love for God at a young age (and of course our other children, we pray) :) so that is why I posted this today, so I won’t forget the joy that one little prayer warrior brings into Fleming household.
I had blood work done at the hospital (3 hour glucose) and the girls went along. They sat in the stroller and we spent a good amount of time just wheeling all around. Of course Ella Grace wanted to say hello to everyone so we met lots of nice people in the process. :) I had to have blood drawn every hour and each time I went to sit in the chair (four times), she would say, "Mom, I will pray for you." She would close her eyes so tight and pray with such enthusiasm, "Dear Lord Jesus, be with mom that her shot won't hurt and she will be ok." One nurse asked her if she would pray for her while administering the shot to me. Ella Grace thought for a second and said yes and then, "Dear Lord Jesus, be with the lady today." We saw the lady a few times during the course of the morning and she said, “There’s that little girl who prayed for me!" May God raise up my children to be bold prayer warriors for Jesus! I need to be a better one!

1 comment:

robyn blaikie collins said...

God uses so many different things to speak to us... and how awesome when it's one of our own children, being used to accomplish His will in our lives. His will always being that He be glorified! What a blessing that you were able to see his hand so clearly and tangibly, and that it pricked the heart of someone else... she is sowing seeds, but it's the reaping that you do by seeing the fruit of your labor - pointing your child relentlessly, tirelessly to Christ. She only knew to say that because of the model you have displayed, because our babies are still ruled by a sin nature, until the time they accept Christ as their own Savior... Evidence again that God will work everything for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. May the nurse be confronted with the Holy Spirit... and you be spared from future glucose tests ('s yucky stuff!)