Monday, November 5, 2007

Caught Hiding

Since Ella Grace has been potty trained, we have faced a new challenge- waking up and going to the potty by herself. Before, when in diapers, it was not a temptation since she would just go in her diaper. What works for us and what we have told her is that she stays in bed until we get her. But now that she gets up early to go to the toilet, it's exciting for her to have this new found freedom.

A few nights ago, as soon as I put her to sleep, I heard the door open and she ran to our room and closed the door- slippers on and blanket in hand. Gabe and I followed immediately and she said, "Hi Dad, Hi Mom, how are YOU doing?" Gabe answered, "Fine, thank you for asking, but what are YOU doing?" She didn’t have an answer, so he said, "Are you hiding?" "Yes, I am." "Are you obeying right now?" "No, sir." "Can God see you when you are hiding?" "No, He can't see me." Gabe picked her up and explained that God can see us all the time, everywhere, anywhere and He still sees us even when we disobey. I asked her if she remembered the story about Adam and Eve which we had read that morning. Yes, she remembered and was especially excited to offer that Eve ate the apple and was crying because she disobeyed God. She clearly didn’t want to be like Eve! :) And she mentioned that Adam was sad too because he also ate some of “Eve’s apple.”

Gabe prayed with her about her "hiding.” In the morning I wanted to continue this conversation with her so we talked about forgiveness and how we must ask God to forgive us when we sin and how He loves to make us clean again. I was so happy for another opportunity to show her how much we need Jesus for our forgiveness. I have been thinking of this situation so much since it happened and so thankful for the quick restoration God provides through His Son and the need to confess it right away-- all brought about due to my hiding child caught in sin. Here is the promise I have been sharing with her. It’s one to keep coming back to daily, isn’t it? Thank You, God.
I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

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