Monday, October 29, 2007

The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whittall Smith

I am no scholar. I'm not really that smart. I am a simple woman who is in desperate need for God to transform me moment by moment. I have a hard time thinking deep. But I do know one thing- its time that I re-focus in my spiritual walk with God! I am re-reading this book (title above) again. I read it in 2003. I have felt strongly that I need to put aside the parenting books for a time and read this one again. My focus can be so much of what I need to teach my kids and therefore neglecting things I need to be working on in myself as well as asking God what things I need to change. At the time that I read this book I was at a major cross roads in my life spiritually. This book was a huge part in my “total surrender” of the walk by faith, not by sight. I think I am at that cross road again, just differently and with other “surrenders” to lay at His feet. Hannah Whittall Smith was born in 1832 and died in 1911. Her life was one of complete perseverance. The author is great at pointing readers to the TRUTH and reminding us that "feelings, whether physical or emotional, (are) unreliable, but faithfulness (is) the important thing."I was reading about the Spirit of the Lord yesterday and today and really gained insight from her words. I have been remembering that it is Christ alive in me doing any of the changing and transforming.
Here is what she said:
“We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. A real work is to be wrought in us and upon us. Besetting sins are to be conquered. Evil habits are to overcome. Wrong dispositions and feelings are to be rooted out, and holy tempers and emotions are to be forgotten. A positive transformation is to take place. So at least the Bible teaches. Now somebody may do this. Either we must do it for ourselves, or another must do it for us. We have most of us tried to do it for ourselves at first, and have grievously failed; then we discover from Scriptures and from our own experience that is a work we are utterly unable to do for ourselves, but the Lord Jesus Christ has come on purpose to do it, and that He will do it for all who put themselves wholly into HIs hand, and trust Him to do it.”

I liked this because I often try and fail. Yet when I give the reins to God and humbly come to Him laying it all before Him, He does it all (in any of us! Praise Him!) in His Spirit. Why do I forget that and think it’s me doing a thing? I just have to obey His Word.
1 Peter 1:13-16 summed it up for me today. “Therefore, prepare your minds for action: be self controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. (in other words, His return is what should motivate me for ANYTHING! Am I living like I am ready to meet Christ???) As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. (Kelly, you know better! Trust me, live for Me, let My Spirit lead and guide you in all things!) But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy. (I am Your example. Even if you fail, it’s ok. Jump back up into my arms and devote all to Me. Make Me your focus. Your everything. Quit doing any of it alone. Let Me lead you. I’ll help you obey, and I will purify and sanctify you. Just take Me at My Word for everything. You are redeemed!)
Kelly, “Grace and peace be yours in abundance” 1 Peter 1:2

Thank You, Father. More than You know.

1 comment:

Deidra said...

I love this. I can't wait to get my book! This is the longest I have ever had to wait for a book on Amazon :-(
Anyway, this made me think of Psalm 46:10:
Be still (stop trying to do it our selves!!), and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,I will be exalted in the earth