Wednesday, December 17, 2008

brief update

I keep forgetting to give an update on the sleeping situation with Ella Grace. We moved her in Miriam's room and they have adjusted really well- both sleeping better. They like the company with each another. They talk for a few minutes after we leave the room and last night I heard EG say she loved Miriam. :)Their conversations are really funny. I've been sleeping better too. :)

Let's see..... other tidbits.

Susanna is very mobile. Just now she climbed into my laundry basket and was clapping. She'll be walking soon. She FOR REAL growls like a dog, not because she is mad but when she is excited. It's hilarious!
Miriam is walking around with big girl pants on. She's been running "super fast" to the potty and made it each time. She initiated this whole thing this afternoon. She's been getting a treat and EG gets one if she helps and encourages her sister. EG just showed her how to take the toilet paper off. :)She's also climbed out of her crib and snuck out of her room a few times so over Christmas we will switch her to a bed.
Ella Grace is making up words all day long. "Mom, what's ruttmspofsufeee spell?" She'd rather do chores than nap, so I give her as many as I can and she does them quite well. We went to story time today and she told me she loved Jesus more than Santa. :
Gabe is at survival training in Alaska. He is OUT IN THE FREEZING negative 10 degree weather. Sure he's having a blast. We miss him terribly.
I'm just trying to stay on top of it all. Glad the Lord is my Helper. :)

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