Awhile ago, my dear friend Michelle ( as4me.net) started Wisdom Wednesday as a challenge to herself and others to share how God's Word is changing us. I want to try this and join her in writing how God's Word is changing me. The hardest, yet most challenging part of my walk, is the application part. ( Isn't it for all of us??) So I am hoping this will challenge me to really apply His Word rather than just talk about it or even think about it. Oh, to be a doer of the Word!!!!!
Today before leaving for story time, we were talking about what would be happening at the library. Today the kids dressed up and would be given candy. We talked about how fun it is to have candy and eat it but we have to eat a little at a time because too much makes us sick.. you know, that talk. We talked about being polite to the people who would be giving us the candy, etc. Ella Grace said, "Mom, I love candy." I told her I did too and then I hurried on to get a few things done. I started thinking about the things I love, the things I treasure, the cherished things in my life and how my actions towards these things can show I love them more than God.
"Girls, it's fun to get candy and dress up, isn't it? But we have to always remember that the Bible tells us we are to love God more than ANYTHING ELSE. We are to show it by the way we live our lives. Mommy doesn't always do that. That is why I am so thankful for Jesus Who forgives my sins and lets me start over because He loves us and want to be the Most Important Person in our lives. Mommy has put things in front of Jesus today. I asked Him to forgive me." Then....
Ella Grace to Miriam- "Miriam will you forgive me for poking you when I was angry?"
Miriam- "Yes, I forgive you."
Ella Grace to me- "Mom, why do we need to obey the Bible?"
Mom-" Because God's Word is the Truth and He gave us His Word to follow and live by. It's like a map. It tells us where to go-- He directs our steps and we want to do things His way, not our own. We are foolish if we follow our own ways."
Ella Grace-" Like Adam and Eve."
Mom- "And the Bible tells us that we are blessed or happy when we hear His Word and obey it. ( Luke 11:28) We have to choose who we will obey."
I am glad that God will give me the Words because I never seem to have the the right ones. :)I know there is more ahead to this conversation. I want to tell them more!!! Here is what I am meditating on today. I pray I obey the BIBLE!!!!
Romans 6:16-19 16Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. 18You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.
19I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves.
Okay...love the new blog! Tell me how you did it!
This is great. That is one of my biggest prayers, to be doer of the Word and not just a hearer...help us Jesus!
it must be a big motivator to hear your children speaking and asking questions about the Word. I pray that you will continue to be fueled by God to obey Him. I find that it is so hard to obey when I am physically tired from being a mom- and then I realize I've been walking in the flesh in the first place. I prayed that you would be able to walk in the Spirit.
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