Not too long ago, I wrote on waiting. Not just the waiting, but how well I am waiting for something. Am I impatient, am I weary, am I anxious, or am I resting because I trust God?
Today I was thinking about listening and how well I do it- (to my husband, to my kids, with friends, but most importantly to God.) At times, I know I don't listen well. For example, Gabe will tell me about work or information about his latest gadget and he will say, "Are you listening?" I'll say, "Yes, why?" He'll say, "What did I just say?" And I will try to repeat it but it won't be accurate. "I am sorry, honey, I wasn't really listening." I've even had dear friends tell me they thought I wasn't listening or just not paying attention. I want to be more aware of this because I REALLY do want to be a good listener to anyone who is speaking to me.
What really got me thinking about this was the verse we have been talking about recently, James 1:19…….. Everyone should be QUICK to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry...." Gabe and I have been helping Ella Grace to listen well (eye contact, repeat what she is to do) and then to obey right away. I guess it's deeper than just listening, isn't it???? As James 1:22 says- "Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."
If I am a better listener, I think I'll be more obedient to God. If I am a better listener, I think I will be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend- the most delightful relationships I've been given. If you think of it, please pray for me on this. I am striving to be better. I love you!
I am so amazed that you wrote about this today. Just tonight I realized that I think sometimes I "hear" my kids, but I am not really "listening" to them. The bad thing about this is that I know our kids (and others) know when we are not really listening. :-( I will pray about this for you and me both.
Must be the Lord, because ever since Deidra posted that verse on as4me, I've been thinking about it.
Guess we all need that prayer, eh??
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