This morning I read Daniel 6. Daniel was a habitual prayer. He didn't just do it once a day, but at least 3 times a day. He was on his knees before God, humbling himself and putting his total trust in Him. I read the story to Ella Grace and we looked at the pictures of Daniel in her Bible. We talked about habits (like brushing teeth, taking a bath, washing hands, etc) and then I told her how Daniel had a good habit of praying every day, all day long to God. She seemed to get that and of course agreed that she wanted to do it too.
v 10 Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.
He was used to praying often. I wondered today, am I really in the habit of praying like this? As the day goes on, I tend to think of praying, but don't always do it. I asked God to give me some words of hope this morning and everything I read was on prayer. I do desire so much that I will become a better prayer.
I came home from lunch with my friend Michelle and was discouraged with Ella Grace and her behavior at the library and at lunch. I think I was even more discouraged with myself and how I handled my own reaction to her. (She had a serious tantrum in the library AND another in Mc Donald’s) So I came home and started to feel even more weary and fell in to the self pity mode (Thinking things like- I’m a terrible mom, my daughter acts terrible, no body else’s kids act this way, I am embarrassed, and so on..) and then I remembered Daniel. I stopped the vicious cycle and just humbled myself before God and asked His for help. I stopped this self pity habit with Gods help. Then I talked with Ella Grace before she napped about our outing and about Daniel again.
"Do you remember what happened at the library and at lunch?"
"I was angry. I had a fit."
"Do you remember what Daniel did when he was upset? Did he get angry like you did?"
"What did he do?"
"He prayed to God."
"Do you want to pray and ask God to help you next time you get angry and have a fit?"
“I know you want to have a good habit of praying to God, don’t you?”
I am also thankful for my friends who encourage me and lift me up and remind me that I am doing a good job (when it seems that it’s all falling apart!) and it will get better. :) I hope I am one of those friends to you.
Don't you think God is answering those prayers for wisdom? Didn't He promise to give it when we put Him first and ask for it?
You saw only an angry girl; I saw also a mom whom God is giving wisdom to interact lovingly and firmly with her little girls. Where do you think God gave you the insight to let her calm down, to pray with her, to talk with her? Take heart: God is answering your prayers for wisdom. He's just changing you first before he changes your little one. :)
i needed that encouragement. Iron does sharpen iron, huh?
I love how in that verse 10 it says he got on his knees and prayed, GIVING THANKS TO HIS GOD
That is exactly what I said this morning on the phone when I was telling you that I think I have to start turning my grumbles into praises. He didn't just pray 3 times a day, he gave thanks to God 3 times a day. So glad that I read this again today.
Oh and by the way, you ARE one of those friends to me! I can't imagine what I would do with out you and your encouragment. :-)
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