Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Learning from Jesus

There are many people who I look up to and learn from. I am so thankful for those the Lord graciously places in my life who model things like:

training their children
how to schedule days with children
what to do when a child throws a fit
how to be a loving wife and mom
what exercises work and how to fit them in with children :)
what meals to make

Of course it's wonderful that the Lord has given us one another to sharpen and encourage and learn from! So thankful! But God is first. I often forget this simple truth and I find myself measuring myself against others, only to be left discouraged because my child didn't sit on the steps quietly when she was taking a break, or I'm not able to schedule a monthly meal plan... 

The ONE I need to learn from is Jesus. He knows what I NEED and what is best for ME.. because I am His child and no one knows me like He does.

"Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart."

So glad I have Jesus.

1 comment:

thetysonfamily said...

Hey sweet friend...I sure miss you! And miss your wonderful thoughts here. I love you!