Monday, December 10, 2012

my littlest rose

Susanna Jane. My joyful, spirited, enthusiastic, free bird, dazzling, fiery, motivated, clever, silly, independent and quick witted rose. She is the most colorful and vibrant rose in my garden. Today I found two books of stamps stuck on stockings, manger scene pieces, the refrigerator ( they had ornaments on them so she was decorating the house.!!!)  A sharpie marker was found opened and dots up and down her arm today. She would wear dress up clothes ( and does) almost every day because they are comfy and loose fitting. She speaks whatever she thinks so we have been encouraging her to really THINK before she says what she wants to. I squeezed out some toothpaste recently and asked her to put it back in the tube. "Of course it won't go back" she says.  That's the truth about our words, right?

At Kroger in the frozen aisle standing three feet away from us stood a Mennonite woman wearing a little head covering. Sus says to her sisters: " "Girls, look at the pretty Jewish lady." I mouthed "Sorry" to the sweet lady and tried to scoot out as quickly as possible.

When I put her on her bed because she needed to cool down- obviously not happy with me she says, "Mom, ( short tone in her voice, very quick and snappy.) You are.... You are....

I interjected and told her to be sure that what she said was not like toothpaste spilling out everywhere. Softly, she mutters, "So pretty."

The Lord is changing me as I am learning to understand the heart of my littlest rose.  Tonight she tells me she will always hold my hand. I am thankful for each day I can hold hers...even if they are dotted with a sharpie.

1 comment:

thetysonfamily said...

This is so beautiful it made me cry! What a treasure of memories you are storing here, beautiful friend. Love you!