I was finishing my last sip of coffee this morning in my "special place" as my girls call it. My cozy little corner in the hall is my most favorite spot in the house. The sun was shining on the wall and I was just sitting there nestled in my chair ready to pray and get on with my day. But I was distracted by a moth on the wall in front of me. He was the biggest moth I had ever seen! He was trapped in between two corners and was trying to fly forward but kept getting stuck. I thought, "Just fly backwards or move down a bit, then you will be free, silly. There is a way out! " I started to laugh at myself for really having this conversation for more than a minute.
In that moment, I started considering how often I, like that moth, feel trapped and feel as if I have no way out of my situation. Just plain hopeless. I feel trapped trying to figure out my own outcome or trapped because I want MY OWN way out. Here is the realization: God knows the way out of anything and not only that, He knows the BEST WAY out and the BEST TIMING for it all. BEST OF ALL, He knows that even in our trapped moments, He knows what will BEST GLORIFY GOD in our seemingly hopeless situations. All that moth needed to do was find another way out, then he’d be free.
All we have to do is trust. Then obey God at His Word, in our trapped moments…..
Only to be set free to walk the way He has ordained for us.
“I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken….You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” Psalm 16: 8, 11
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