Monday, July 30, 2007

Mrs. Few

One of my favorite things to do when I go home to SC is visit Gabe's next door neighbor, Mrs. Dottie Few who is almost 81 years old. She is a widow of 4 years and lives a life that radiates Jesus. I love spending time with her. Her Bible sits on her chair next to her piano and says in the most Southern drawl, "Honey, that's where I sit and pray for you every day." I am honored that she would pray for me daily. I love her sweet spirit. I keep up with her often and get cards that I could read and re-read each day. She encourages me greatly in my personal walk with the Lord. While I was home recently, she gave me a book called Joy and Strength by Mary Wilder Tileston. The forward is by Ruth Graham, who was a friend of hers. I came across a poem the other day and marked it because I loved it. Today it has been the cry of my heart. It was inspired by Psalm 105:4.

Seek the Lord, and His strength; Seek His face evermore.

O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me,
And all things else recede;
My heart be daily nearer Thee,
From sin be daily freed.

Make this poor self grow less and less,
Be Thou my life and aim;
Oh, make me daily, through Thy grace,
More worthy of Thy name.

J. C. Lavater

It's a day where I see that I need to deny myself more and more and be "sold out" for Christ. Glad I am still being perfected until the day of Christ. More of You, Lord, less of me. Amen.


Deidra said...

Kelly this poem is so beautiful. I read it several times tonight. My favorite part is ~~Make this poor self grow less and less~~ that is what I want..less of me and more of Him ...then I will be ~more worthy of thy name. How wonderful to know that there is a Godly woman praying for you. I am so glad that God is still perfecting us and I hope that when I am 81 God will have made me into someone's Mrs. Few. :-)

Deidra said...

p.s. forgot to tell you tonight that our e-mail is messed up right now. We are hoping it will be back up tomorrow. Bob forgot to pay the annual fee for our web site and they blocked us up! ha ha! remember last year for my birthday when he bought me that web site! Sad how little we have used it!
:-( We will get it going soon. love you friend!!